Saturday, 10 May 2014

KIXEYE Fair Play: Cheating and Banning FAQ

KIXEYE Fair Play: Cheating and Banning FAQ

Hi there.

I’m a member of KIXEYE’s Fair Play team. We handle cheating and other types of “unfair gameplay” in all our games. We don’t normally allow threads on the forum about cheating or banning but we’ve decided to break that rule to clear some things up. You will see a series of posts from our team over the coming weeks.

Our goal is to help people understand how KIXEYE handles violations of our Terms of Service (cheating, mostly). Keep in mind this is the first of several posts to come. If a question isn’t addressed here, chances are we’ll be getting to it soon.



1) What’s up with all the bans and resets lately?

Cheating detection in any online game always changes over time. We’ve recently added new ways to detect and catch cheating, which is why bans have gone up. We have also begun issuing warnings to some players, and resetting any unit levels they might have glitched or cheated. We are 100% confident in these bans and resets. It took so long to implement them because we wanted to be sure about them.


2) Why are you banning and warning so many innocent people at random?

Everyone is banned for a good reason. Most of these bans are for cheating, but some people get banned to fix base issues, or because their Facebook account was hacked and we need to help them get it back. Some people get bans for being really nasty in chat. The point is that no one is banned randomly, and we don’t ban innocent people for no reason. We’re catching plenty of cheaters now and they know it.


3) My friend says he didn’t cheat. Why did you ban him if he’s completely innocent?

There are lots of possibilities. Maybe he did cheat, and is covering it up because he’s embarrassed. Maybe he used a glitch and doesn’t consider it cheating. Maybe he loaned his account to a friend and THEY cheated on the account. We’re sure you have a very nice friend, but we wouldn’t have banned the account if we weren’t sure. We want people playing our games. We just want them playing fairly.


4) Some guy in my sector said someone would get banned, then that person got banned. Why are you letting hackers ban hack people in your game?

There is no hack that lets someone ban someone else. What you are seeing is simply the process of Fair Play reviewing accounts that were reported to us. Sometimes these reports are reviewed quickly. In rare cases they might be reviewed almost instantly. Some days we have lots of meetings. Some days we ban lots of cheaters. Complaining that you got banned too fast is like complaining that you got pulled over for speeding in your car when other people were going faster. Doesn’t change the fact that you were speeding.


5) Right, but this guy said I would get banned and then I was banned like a minute later. There’s no way you reviewed a report that fast. What’s up with this?

Bans happen because of what we see when we look at the account. Period. Most reports are submitted through the player report form, and this is the best way for 99.95% of people to do it. There is also a number of players (KIXEYE employees, moderators, alliance leaders, etc.) who provide reports to us directly. Most of the time it takes a while to review reports, but sometimes the stars align and we’re able to investigate quickly. There is no conspiracy here, just efficiency.


6) So you mean some alliance person can report everyone from another alliance and you just ban them all?

No one is banned because they were reported. Reports are just a flag to review the account, and we review those reports as quickly as we can. There is no favoritism when it comes to who we chat with, who we read reports from, and who we ban. If we look, and you’re cheating, you get banned. It doesn’t matter how we found you, or how fast we acted. You don’t want to get banned? Don’t cheat.

KIXEYE Fair Play: Cheating and Banning FAQ
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